Proclaiming Christ from the Word of God

Our aim is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever, and we do this together!

The church is not defined by where we meet – we are a body of believers who meet regularly. We are God’s instrument to show a watching world that our God reigns, and to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ. We gather together on the Lord’s Day to hear His word preached, to sing His praises, and to encourage one another. You are welcome to join us!

Sunday Meeting Times

8:30am – Prayer Meeting

9:00am –  Corporate Worship followed by fellowship.

11:15am – Adult Sunday School and Generations of Grace for the children.


We are a local church – a mixed group of people who have one thing in common – we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and we want to bring Him glory. The main way we do that is through our life together as a church, demonstrating the love of Christ through our love for each other (John 13:35), and by reaching out to the lost with the gospel of Christ.


from the Word of God


We have been called to make disciples of all nations. We therefore meet up at many times informally to love one another, to enjoy life together, to encourage one another, and to carry one another’s burdens. We also have opportunities for particular training and equipping and fellowship, such as church camps, men and women's retreats, parenting courses, children's camps, and evangelism training. Look on our calendar to see what might be coming up and contact us for more details.

Bank Details

Nelspruit Bible Church
Absa Bank
Account: 9328508694
Branch: 632005

Bank Details

Nelspruit Bible Church
Absa Bank
Account: 9328508694
Branch: 632005